Retail Flooring

If you are in charge of designing, renovating or maintaining a retail business, you will know how important good quality flooring can be.

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You'll need robust, durable and low maintenance floors that can withstand potentially high levels of foot traffic - as well as materials that are resistant to staining and damage.

Food Technology Flooring
Nursery Flooring

We work with a large variety of clients to design bespoke flooring solutions for retail spaces. From small shops to large department stores, we create highly attractive and practical floors for virtually any retail establishment.

Low maintenance and hygienic

Good hygiene has never been more important - and visibly clean environments can help encourage people back into physical stores. Our retail flooring types are specifically designed for shops and can be easily wiped or mopped clean at the end of each day. Our surfaces are also resistant to bacteria and viruses, helping you prevent the spread of infections.


High foot traffic means that your floors are susceptible to all kinds of dirt and grime brought in from outdoors. Our floors are stain-resistant - meaning you can wipe away practically any substance without leaving unsightly marks. All our surfaces are also water-resistant, helping you to keep your retail space looking clean and fresh for longer.

Bespoke solutions for retail brands

People need a reason to go into stores - and that usually starts with having an attractive façade and an inviting floorspace. Your flooring should emulate your brand values and should be consistent with how you want your customers to feel. Clean, fresh and contemporary floors can help get people through the doors and persuade them to stay longer in your store.

Anti-slip surfaces

Retail environments have the potential to be hazardous if the wrong materials are used in design. Our flooring is made from a range of high quality, robust materials that won't snag or tear. Our anti-slip surfaces help reduce the risks of falls in your store, keeping your customers safe and your business protected.


Creating a strong and consistent brand is essential for retailers - and the flooring you choose makes a huge difference to the look and feel of your space.

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We offer a full project management service for retail clients, working from start to finish to design and install appropriate flooring systems.